Public Projects

Bids Due in 18 days
3/12/25 2:00pm
RC000727 Havener Chiller Efficiency Improvements
Bids Due in 18 days
Missouri University of Science & Technology
Rolla, MO
Bids Due in 38 days
4/1/25 2:00pm
26/2025 Clary-Shy Community Welcome Center
Bids Due in 38 days
City of Columbia-Purchasing
Columbia, MO
Bids Due in 24 days
3/18/25 2:00pm
Aslin Administration Building Exterior Renovations
Bids Due in 24 days
Columbia Public Schools
Columbia, MO
General Construction & Fire Protection
Bids Due in 33 days
3/27/25 1:30pm
M2412-01 Remodel Shower & Restroom - Crossroads & Esperanza Group Homes
Bids Due in 33 days
The State of Missouri Office of Administration
Kansas City, MO
Renovation of restrooms, bathrooms, and shower rooms.
Bids Due in 33 days
3/27/25 1:30pm
M2409-01 Upgrade Electrical Service - Rolla Regional Office
Bids Due in 33 days
The State of Missouri Office of Administration
Rolla, MO
The project includes replacement of the main distribution panel, (9) panel interiors, and (1) new panel interior with box. All panels shall have new covers, trims, and breakers. The Work will be conducted in multiple phases due to the number of panels being replaced. Phasing will be discussed during the pre-bid meeting. It is expected that the panel replacement be phased to minimize any down time. The main distribution panel may be replaced over a weekend or holiday to prevent the need for temporary power during the renovation.
Bids Due in 33 days
3/27/25 1:30pm
O2353-01 Chilled Water Renovations Missouri State Capitol Building
Bids Due in 33 days
The State of Missouri Office of Administration
Jefferson City, MO
The project includes installation of chilled water pumps, along with modifications of piping, ductwork modifications, controls, and sequences of operations.
Bids Due in 26 days
3/20/25 1:30pm
M2407-01 Retaining Wall Replacement - Center for Behavioral Medicine
Bids Due in 26 days
The State of Missouri Office of Administration
Kansas City, MO
The projects consists of retaining wall replacement, and restoration of memorial garden and patient recreational space.
Bids Due in 31 days
3/25/25 1:30pm
O2433-08 Site Development and Security Scruggs Station Warehouse
Bids Due in 31 days
The State of Missouri Office of Administration
Jefferson City, MO
The project includes the clearing and hauling of existing mulch on site, grading existing site to plans elevation, providing all piping (water, sanitary, storm, electrical/data conduit) and stubbing for future development, renovation and development of parking lots including all lighting needs, security including black galvanized chain link fence and guard booth platform at main entrance.
Bids Due in 20 days
3/14/25 10:00am
Highway 7 Waterline Replacement – Wright Street to Timber Street
Bids Due in 20 days
Allstate Consultants, LLC
Pleasant Hill, MO
The project consists of 4,085 L.F. of 8-inch waterline including system and service connections, valves, fire hydrants and appurtenances.
Bids Due in 18 days
3/12/25 2:00pm
Roseta Learning Center Renovation
Bids Due in 18 days
Columbia Public Schools
Columbia, MO
Columbia Public Schools will receive Bids for a Combined Contract, including General Construction, Interior finishes upgrades, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Work at Roseta Avenue Learning Center.